Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern

Through the years, UNIBE expanded its offerings in other areas. It currently has psychology, education, hospitality management, industrial engineering, and over 30 graduate programs. It has an enrollment of more than 3,000 students and 15,000 alumni.

UNIBE has several graduate programs in: Education, Psychology, Economics, Law, Business, Medicine, Design, and Dentistry.

UNIBE offers several minors across degree programs, among these are a research minor and a minor in neurosciences.

Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern

In 2021, UNIBE launched an adult learning program for mid career professionals in Business Administration, Law, and Psychology.

Az Unibet egy Máltán székelő vállalat, amely vezető szerepet játszik az európai online fogadási piacon, és Magyarországon is az egyik legismertebb. A sportfogadás mellett az Unibet a legnépszerűbb online szerencsejátékokat is kínálja a kaszinó platformján: nyerőgépek, póker, bingo és még sok más.

UNIBE's campus is located in the historic Gascue neighborhood in the city of Santo Domingo. The main building is the former home of Dominican intellectual Manuel Arturo Peña Battle. The rest of the campus consists of modern buildings that surround the historic home.

Az Unibet egyik erőssége az oldalon folyamatosan frissülő promóciós programokban, illetve a különféle megszerezhető bónuszokban rejlik, mert szerencsénkre legyen mondva, hál’ Istennek nem bánik velük a cég túlságosan szűkmarkúan. Az Unibet időnként ingyen bónusz pénzt is ad, amellyel ugyan szabadon fogadhatunk, de addig nem vehetjük fel, amíg nem teljesítettük a felhasználásának a feltételeit.

Bogdan Sonea, Marketing Manager Unibet România, a declarat:

UNIBE App es la aplicación móvil oficial de la Universidad Iberoamericana, donde los estudiantes pueden conectarse a información esencial del campus, realizar pagos de matrícula y/o servicios y más.

Odd Eiking is Unibet Tietema Rockets’ 25th rider for 2025: ✅

UNIBE provides several services on campus to students including advisement and counseling, and extracurricular programming in sports and the arts. UNIBE departments also host several student organizations and special interest groups. Students and faculty also have access to Unibe's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center .

The online magazine of the University of Bern

The University of Bern (: , : , : ) is a in the capital of . It was founded in 1834. It is regulated and financed by the . It is a comprehensive university offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight and some 150 . With around 19,000 , the University of Bern is the third largest university in Switzerland.

Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern

București, 17.12.2024 – Unibet, lider în promovarea jocurilor de noroc responsabile, lansează campania „Câștiguri Adevărate”, un proiect emoționant care celebrează valoarea relațiilor autentice și timpul petrecut cu cei dragi în perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă.

The online magazine of the University of Bern

Cosmin și Eliza Natanticu, alături de gașca lor de prieteni Unibet, aduc un suflu cald și sincer acestei inițiative ce subliniază ideea că sărbătorile adevărate se trăiesc alături de familie și prieteni. Campania punctează un nou moment important pentru Unibet, prin promovarea cu succes a echilibrului și responsabilității în industria jocurilor de noroc.

Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern

With the support of Mobilière Cooperative, the University of Bern has been able to establish an endowed professorship for climate and health. Within this framework, Ana Vicedo is researching an aspect of climate change that has so far only been insufficiently explored in Switzerland.

The online magazine of the University of Bern

Dank der Unterstützung der Mobiliar Genossenschaft kann die Universität Bern eine Stiftungsprofessur für Klima und Gesundheit einrichten. In diesem Rahmen erforscht Ana Vicedo einen in der Schweiz erst ansatzweise erforschten Aspekt des Klimawandels.

Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern

Unibet Tietema Rockets vstupuje teprve do své třetí sezóny, z toho druhé ve společnosti ProTeams. Na soupisce má Adama Ťoupalíka, Tomáše Kopeckého a Lukáše Kubiše. Původně nizozemský tým nejenže rozšířil a zkvalitnil sestavu, ale změnil i licenci. Získal francouzskou a dělal to ze dvou důvodů. Tím hlavním je zvýšení šance získat divokou kartu na Tour de France pro rok 2026, tím druhým zvýšit šanci na dlouhodobější podporu hlavního sponzora.

The online magazine of the University of Bern

Nicklas Pedersen heeft ervoor gekozen om zijn contract bij de Unibet Tietema Rockets weer in te leveren. De 31-jarige Deen mocht in augustus nog tot en met 2027 verlengen bij het ProTeam, maar besluit om persoonlijke redenen nu toch om een punt achter zijn loopbaan als renner te zetten.